See-Join Puppet Theater Restaurant  since1992

Hand Puppet Theatre is the most representative and popular traditional theatre in Taiwan . See-Join Puppet Theater Restaurant is the first theme restaurant that combines Taiwanese cuisine and the traditional theatre together. You can enjoy the food and watch the performance of the hand puppet theatre at the same time.

See-Join Puppet Troupe
See – Join Puppet Troupe which is particular that we blend puppet of television and tradition in Taiwan is「interactive , amazing , joy」 and free style kimkong glove puppetry .
See – Join is always invited to perform all over the world because everyone love the performance deeply.

We are looking forward to perform, promote and display our puppet around the world.

See- Join Puppet Troupe
interactive , amazing , joy

I reallly love the experiences here, the performance is awesome, the atmosphere is fantastic, and the food is just great!